PG 2017


The final program of the conference is posted on the conference web page( It includes the general schedule of different sessions, invited talks,contributed talks and posters. We will add the list of video abstracts when all videos arecollected (before Monday, June 19). All authors are kindly invited to check theircontributions and inform us about possible errors. The conference papers have beenscheduled to be published online before June 30 by the EPJ Web of Conferences.

Talks and posters

Personal computers can be used for talks. But it is recommended to bring yourpresentation also in pdf format on a USB key in the case of technical problems. Switchingcomputer is part of the time of your talk! Two default computers will be available, so it isrecommended to install talks before each session.The posters can be installed during the coffee breaks of Monday, July 3. The posters willbe numbered according to their place in the poster space. Although all posters will be onview during the whole week, the authors of all posters are invited to be available for thepresentation of their posters during the two sessions on Monday and Tuesday evening.The voting material and instructions for the best poster awards will provided at reception.


We are still collecting videos and video abstracts. We appreciate receiving the videoabstracts before Monday June 19 so that they can be included in the program. Theinstructions are given on the conference webpage ( but,as mentioned in our last mail, we basically need the videos (all formats) together with aone-page abstract giving the authors and a description of the content of the videos. Allconference participants (including those who present a talk or a poster) can contribute,and the content can be based on either experiments or simulations.

Registration fees

As usual, it is required that at least one co-author of each contribution be registered. Thefees should be payed before the beginning of the conference. We understand that therecan be delays because of international transfer of funds. We do not exclude any talk,poster presentation or paper from the program, but we recommend the participants whoseregistration is not yet finalized to bring a proof that the payment is under way

Other conferences/announcementsOther conferences can be found on:
Call for organizing the next Powders&Grains conference (2021)Proposals for the organization of the next PG conference will be considered by theAEMMG committee at their meeting in Montpellier. The call for proposals (by the AEMMGpresident Stefan Luding — is still open:Call for PG2021: To all PG2017 participants, subscribers to the AEMMG-Mail-List,AEMMG members, and everyone in the field of Powders & Grains.

The scientific committee AEMMG of the Powders and Grains conference series asks for proposals:
Who would be willing to organize the next Powders&Grains in four years, in2021. (No special format required, just make sure you address and commit yourself to allthe points - which should be possible within 2-3 pages, but also feel free to add material.)Powders and Grains will circulate from Australasia (Japan, 2001) to Europe(Stuttgart, 2005), to the Americas (Golden, Colorado, 2009), to Australasia (Sydney,Australia, 2013), back to Europe (now! Montpellier, France, 2017), and then to theAmericas (next! 2021).The present PG2017 conference has about 400 papers (4page, double refereed) inthe proceedings and we hope to see at least 400+ participants, like on previous PGconferences. For all of the participants, hotel or other accommodation rooms need to beavailable and the large number of posters (about 300) needs to be placed (ideally ALLposters throughout the conference).The proposal should involve a short description ofA) the organizing groups/persons/institutions,

B) the prospective conference site, facilities, hotels
C) the organizers view on the PG-conference series and proposals for improvement
D) a carefully-planned time schedule
E) a brief financial plan with the information about which funding agencies, institutions,industry, etc. can be and will be contacted to provide support for the various costs.
F) name the to-be-hired professional agency specialized in conference organization anddetail the experience you have with them - and the costs involved or: explain how you willwork without such help and what technical assistance will be available anyway.
G) The Commitment to the tradition of P&G summarized as:

  1. cheap participation fee, especially for students1) proceedings ready at the conference2) single-track, no parallel sessions, but many posters

  2. AEMMG is the scientific committee of the conference, being involved in
    3.1) selection of invited speakers,
    3.2) refereeing of the papers,
    3.3) selection of the oral presentations and3.4) set-up of the program.

  3. in case the conference runs positive, the remaining funds should be used tosupport participants (on request)5) if there is positive balance still, it will be shared 50/50 by AEMMG (to be used forfuture conference support) and the local organizers.